Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Community Reintegration Offenders Children - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Community Reintegration Offenders Children? Answer: Introducation Throughout history, the problem of child sexual abuse has been prominent. Until 1960, child sexual abuse is not identified widely and the society would accept most of the time the condition, but the most threatening thing was that the family members are often involved in these activities. Therefore, acknowledging sexual abuse could create a threat to the family which may be one of the reasons that child sexual abuse is in most of the cases kept secret (McGuire and London, 2017). To prevent the occurrence of child sexual abuse, there is need to educate the victim as well as the community to prevent the occurrence of such events. It is the responsibility of the society to stand against such issues. It is essential to evaluate any program as it could measure its success which is yet to be done in Australia. A true experiment is needed to be done which would be regarded as a rigorous evaluation. A national approach for child protection was studied at Australian Institute of family studies (AIFS). Along with this various other measures have also been taken by the Commonwealth responsibility to fund the programs and initiatives undertaken to protect child sexual abuse (Philips, 2009). In protecting children, stronger families and community strategy are some of the programs started under commonwealth responsibility. For monitoring and preventing child abuse, more systematic and National approaches have been adopted by the Australian government in this respect and as a result of its involvement; more awareness was created against this social issue. The government of New South Wales has removed the time limit on legal claims made by the victim. This was done due to the reason that it takes years for the victim to overcome the trauma; therefore, limiting time period would not be a good way (Gerathy, 2015). Although the maximum penalty in such case is lifetime imprisonment and it has 98.4% access, but for ascertaining punishment it is important to identify certain factors like the age of victim, type of sexual intercourse and the relationship of victim with the offender which are ascertained and based on factors. The average term of punishment is increased when the penalty is also increased and if victim is under 4 years the punishment is for the longest term period (NSW, 2015). Statement of Organizational Interest in Issue Children devastated by family negligence or violence and who are victims of abusive activity are supported by Australian Childhood Foundation which is a non-profit organization. This organization not only support the victim but also conduct preventive program, educate children and parents, provide counselling and therapeutic care, conduct research activities and provide encouragement too.Their vision is to provide a loved and safe childhood to all children, which is their right (Australian Childhood Foundation, 2015). Pre-Existing Policy Earlier also, various policies and laws were formulated to prevent sexual abusing of child but they were not identified by the common people or due to the fear of being slander these were not revealed. Earlier polices like Children protection act of 1193 at South Wales or Children and community service Act of 1994 was there and different laws were formed in different jurisdictions still they were not enacted to the extent because there were no educative programs which would educate parents or people about its importance. Earlier policies were aimed at protecting children from the cruelty arising in the family and giving them protection and the quasi-government organizations like society for Prevention of Cruelty to children were evident but they were not directed towards sexual abusive behaviour taking place. The laws were strictly guided towards protecting children from physical abuse and to know the authorities about these activities at the earliest possible. It was only in 1980 and 1990s that a strong law against the child sexual abuse was formulated in Australia. The parents in the earlier years failed in understanding the abusive activity taking place and which led to the children living in the situation of unprotected environment (Scott, 2006). The earlier policies are needed to be reinvented and reformulated and a strong campaign is likely to be introduced which would led parents to understand the side-effect of such activity and its severity. Along with this few health promotion and intervention strategy were widespread which again restricts the awareness which should be created in the society. However, child, youth and family Act 2005 and child well-being and safety act 2005 are some of the legislative measures which could be used in other jurisdictions and its outcomes could be accessed. Policy Option Longest sentence time period: The offender should be punished for the longest term period. It will create a sense of fear among the other offenders who are involved in such heinous crime. Registration of offender: The motive behind getting the offenders registered is that deterring the offenders is easy if he omits crime gain and accordingly punishment can be set (Finkelhor, 2009). Reintegration and Supervision of the Community- If sex offenders are provided with proper counselling and guidance once they return to their community it would prevent them from re-offending and getting involved in such activity. Assessment of Policy Action Advantages It would serve as an example for other offenders The rate of such crime will decrease The offender will never commit such crime again Disadvantages The offender will not get a chance to improve He may commit such crime again out of rage and anger It may not serve fruitful Registration of offender Advantages It will help to identify the offender It is useful in developing strong evidence against the offender Punishment can be decided earlier Disadvantages It may let the offender think that he may never get a chance to improve He may never think to improve again Reintegration and supervision of the community Advantages He may get a chance to improve himself Society may accept him after such heinous crime It will help him in awakening his conscious Disadvantages Community may not accept him He may be boycotted from his society Recommendation Reintegration and supervision of community for preventing child sexual abuse is something which should be adopted by Australian government as an approach towards ending the occurrence of such barbarous crime. It is highly recommended that the government adopt such policy and procedure as the traditional justice system has been seen as a failure. Therefore measures such as reintegrating and supervising the offenders once they are over with their punishment term period are something which brings change in the system (McAlinden, 2006). The Australian government could form such organization and community where these offenders would get education regarding such criminal offense. It is recommended because till the time these offenders will not receive education and will not be shown a better path such events may never be controlled. Although there are various nongovernment organizations and community which are formed to take care of the victim, there is still a need to develop such organiz ation where the offenders would supervise. If the needs of the victim, community, and the offenders are correctly matched with the incarnation following reintegration of offender, it will be stated as a successful match. It has also been found that these offenders often fear to get back to the community again and live a normal life; therefore, it is the duty of the Australian government to see that they visualize their life towards a positive end after release (Russell, Seymour and Lambie, 2011). The government could take up such integration program at the national as well as international level as it will not only help the offender in the country but will also provide an insight to the world about protecting their children from occurrence of such events. An educative approach would, in turn, help the offender in leading a normal life and it also takes him out of the fear of getting back into the society. Till the time, the Australian government in particular will not take serious step regarding the integration and supervision of community, it will not help the offender to redevelop. More often negative psychological attitude has been reflected from the offender which again restricts the successful implementation of such program (Lasher and McGrath, 2010). In different jurisdiction, different reintegration and supervision program could be initiated by the government to help a victim lead a normal life and to never commit such criminal offense again. References Tomison,A.M.1995. Update on child sexual abuse [Online]. Available at [Accessed on September 17, 207] Child Family Community Australia. 2017. Web resources: Child abuse and neglect [Online]. Available at : [Accessed on September 17, 207] New South Wales Sentencing Council.2015. Sentencing for child sexual assault [Online]. Available at [Accessed on September 17, 207] Gerathy,S.2015. NSW reviews time limit on child sexual abuse claims. [Online]. Available at [Accessed on September 17, 207] Philipps,J.2009. Child abuse and protection in Australia. [Online]. Available at [Accessed on September 17, 207] Rainn. 2016. Child SexualAbuse . [Online]. Available at [Accessed on September 17, 207] Lasher,M.P and McGrath,R.J.2010. The Impact of Community Notification on Sex Offender Reintegration. Sage journal 56 (1) Russel,G., Seymour,F and lambie,I,2011. Community Reintegration of Sex Offenders of Children in New Zealand. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 57 (1) McALINDEN,M and Anne. Managing risk: From regulation to the reintegration of sexual offenders. Sage Journal 6 (2),pp.197-218 Finkelhor,D.2009. The Prevention of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Fall 19(2),pp. 169- 194 Scott,D.2006. Towards a public health model of child protection in Australia. Communities, Families and Children Australia 1(1),pp. 1-16 McGuire, K. and London, K., 2017. Common beliefs about child sexual abuse and disclosure: a college sample. Journal of child sexual abuse, 26(2), pp.175-194.

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